Spouting Horn

We went down to Poipu last week and saw Spouting Horn. It is a cool lava shelf and it sounds like there is a dragon living in there! 

Spouting Horn frequently spurts salt water 50 feet into the air. This particular blow hole is different from others around Hawaii as there is another hole nearby that only blows air, making the loud groaning sound.

As with most things in Hawaii, there is a legend.
This coast was guarded by a large mo'o (lizard) who ate everyone who tried to fish or swim there. One day, a man named Liko entered the water. When the mo'o went to attack him, he swam under the lava shelf and escaped through the hole. The mo'o became stuck and was never able to get out. The groaning is the cry of hunger and pain from the lizard still trapped under the rocks.

I don't know if you can see it, but there are a couple of  turtles
 swimming in between the lava rock.

Poipu is on the south shore, which is the dryer, or leeward side of the island.


3 Response to "Spouting Horn"

  1. Robin @ Bird On A Cake Says:

    Every time I read your blog, I make a mental note of something else I want to see when I get to Hawaii...someday!

  2. Candi Says:

    I loved learning about the folklore of the Islands. I think you are all having way to much fun over there.

  3. Paula Says:

    How fun, Stacey! We definitely need to come see you guys!!